Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday, July 11th from General Convention

Greetings to each of you in West Tennessee. Once again I have written a long blog over the course of the day and have tried to paste it in to this blog, but to no avail. Suffice it to say, I've been off duty visiting with my son Brian and his girlfriend Susan who live about one hour north of here and have come down to spend a couple of days. We went to San Juan Capistrano today, a place I have heard about all my life and am glad to have had the opportunity to visit. It was the first of about 25 missions built up the coast of California in the late 1700s. It was a fascinating look into another point in history and a wonderful day with my son and his girlfriend. I hadn't seen them in 18 months, so it has been a real gift to me.

I'll be back on duty tomorrow and will try to bring you up to date on legislative activity. Until then, God's peace and have a wonderful rest of the weekend. With best wishes from all your deputation who are beingf far more diligent than I have been for the last 24 hours.


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